Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Reproductive System Vocabulary

1.corpus luteum- structure that forms from the tissues of a ruptured ovarioan follicle and seceretes female hormones.
2.epididymis- highly coiled tubule that leads from the seminiferous tubules of the testis to the vas deferens.
3.gonad- a sex cell-producing organ; an ovary or testis.
4.meiosis- a form of cell division that halves the genetic material, resulting in egg and sperm cells (gametes)
5.oocyte- an immature egg cell.
6.ovary- the primary reproductive organ of a female; an egg cell-producing organ.
7.placenta- structure attaching a fetus to the uterine wall, providing a conduit to receive nutrients and excrete wastes.
8.scrotum- a pouch of skin that encloses the testes.
9.seminiferous tubule- tubule within the testes where sperm cells form.
10.testis- primary reproductive organ of a male; a sperm cell-producing organ.
11.vulva- the external reproductive parts of the female that surround the openings of the vagina.
12.blastocyst- an early stage of prenatal development that consists of a hollow ball of cells.
13.embryo- a prenatal stage of development after germ layers form but before the rudiments of all organs are present.
14.fetus- a human embryo after eight weeks of development.
15.implantation- the embedding of a cleavage embryo in the lining of the uterus.
16.lactation- production of milk by the mammary glands.
17.umbilical cord- cordlike structure that connects the fetus to the placenta.
18.yolk sac- an extraembryonic membrane connected to the embryo by a long, narrow tube.
19.zygote- cell produced by the fusion of an egg and sperm; a fertilized egg cell.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hormonal Control of the Menstrual Cycle Worksheet

What is a hormone? chemicals which are produced in one part of the body and have an effect on another.
What system is responsible for the production of hormones? ovaries produce by glands
Sketch a picture of the female reproductive system. Include the oviduct, ovaries, uterus, cervix and vagina. (on paper)
Where does the embryo undergo most of its development? the Uterus(womb) is the chamber of the female reproductive tract in which the embryo undergoes much of its development.
What is another name for the fallopian tube? oviduct
Where does fertilization take place? takes place in the oviduct
What is ovulation? the mature ovum contained in the follicles bursts out and migrates down the oviduct.
What is the follicle converted to? Corpus Luteum
What happens during the flow phase? hormone production by the ovaries ceases and the uterine lining sloughs off.
What happens during the follicular phase? the developing follicles enlarges and produces a hormone which causes the uterine lining to thicken.
What happens during the luteal phase? a hormone from piturtary converts the follicle to the corpus luthem.
What happens to the uterine lining during the first phase? the flow phase in which the uterine lining breaks down and bleeding occurs.
What are the four hormones that control the menstrual cycle? FSH, LH, progesterone, estrogen
As FSH increases in concentration in the blood , the follicle is? increasing
When the follicle ruptures it releases what? egg
What is considered the hormone of pregnancy? progesterone
What is the rhythm method? a type of birth control where you guess when your not ovulating and have intercourse then.
What do you call a couple using the rhythm method? parents
What is menopause? What causes it? you stop having period. Caused by loss of Lh
When does fertilization occur? egg and sperm meet
When is a zygote formed? during fertilization
What is a placenta?
tree of life

Male and Female Reproductive Systems Worksheet

What is the purpose of the reproductive system? the production of offspring
What is the function of the ovaries? produce ova and female hormones
What is the structure that connects the ovaries to the uterus? fallopian tubes
What is the name of the lining of the uterus? endometrium
Name the three parts of the uterus and where they are located. fundus- top part, body- middle, cervix- neck-like portion that goes downward to vagina or birth canal
What is the female organ of copulation? vagina
Sketch a picture of the female reproductive system. Include the following: bladder, ovary, uterus, fallopian tube, urethra, vagina. (on paper)
What is the male organ of copulation? penis
What are the two functions of the urethra in the male? urine and semen
What are the two functions of the testes? production of sperm cells, and secretion of endocrine substance
What is the name of the structure where the testes are located? scrotum
Why are the testes located outside the body? keeps them outside the body so the sperm functions better
Where do sperm mature? epididymis
What is the vas deferens? small tube that connects epidiymis and ejaculation duct
What is the structure that secretes and stores a fluid releases at the time of ejaculation? seminal vesicels
What are the functions of the prostate gland? secrets a alkaline fluid to keep the sprem mobile and protect them from acid from female vagina
What is semen? made up of sperm cells and seceretions from seminal vesicles
Sketch a picture of the male reproductive system. Include the following: penis, seminal vesicles, epididymis, cowper’s gland, testes, scrotum, vas deferens, urethra, prostate, ejaculatory duct. You guys will need to do this in paint. Sorry, but I am not there to get the drawings by hand.
(on paper)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Human Development Video

1. Name the molecule that carries our genes. DNA

2. Genes are located in the _DNA_.

3. What is the number of sperm the average man produces in a second? a thousand sperms a second.

4. How can one person produce so many different combinations of genes? miosis

5. Most human cells have a total number of __46__ chromosomes.

6. The gene shuffling that occurs from mitosis results in a great amount of this? diversity

7. Where in the female reproductive tract does the egg wait for fertilization? fallopian tube

8. How does the egg move through the Fallopian tube? muscular contractions

9. Approximately how many sperm are contained within one teaspoon of seminal liquid? 300 million

10. What are some of the challenges that sperm face once entering into the vagina? must escape or die

11. Describe the milestone event that takes place two weeks after conception? gasterolation

12. Describe the size and physical characteristics of the fetus at 4 and 1/2 weeks following conception. 1/5 of an inch long, the backbone curves and the brain is developing. the side of the face is a eye

13. If the DNA in a single cell were stretched out, how long would it be? 6 feets

14. After about how many weeks can doctors determine the sex of the baby from ultrasound? 4 or 5

15. Aside from the ultrasound, how can a doctor determine the sex of a baby? if its a y it is a boy and if its a X its a girl

16. At what point does the embryo become a fetus? 2 months

17. When does the placenta begin to form? in early weeks

18. What is the fetus’s job in the last trimester? grow

19. Why are human births so much more dangerous than other mammals? human brain is 3 to 4 times bigger, narrower pelvis

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Digestive and Urinary Questions in Text

Pages 735 and 736Critical Thinking Questions:3
3. What effect is a before-dinner alcoholic cocktail likely to have on digestion? Why are such beverages inadvisable for persons with ulcers?

Review Exercises: 1, 2, 5, 7, 12, and 25
1. List and describe the locations of the major parts of the alimentary canal. stomach, small intestine, large intestine
2. List and describe the locations of the accessory organs of the digestive system. mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intes., large intest., rectum
5. Define peristalsis. mucous membrane, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa
7. Describe the general effects of parasympathetic and sympathetic impulses on the alimentary canal. para increases the activites of the digestive system, symapthetic are the opposite
12. Describe the structure of a tooth. enamel, crown, dentin, pulp cavity, gingiva, alveolar, root canal, root, cementum
25. Explain the mechanism of vomiting. complex reflex that empties the stomach another way, irration or distension in the stomach or intestines can trigger it.

Pages 855 Review Exercises: 1, 3, 9, 16, 34, 36, 37, 40
1. Name the organs of the urinary system, and list their general functions. kidneys, ureters, urethra, bladder
3. List the functions of the kidneys. the main function of kidneys is to regulate the volume, composition, and pH of body fluids.
9. Distinguish among filtration, re absorption, and secretion as they relate to urine formation. all work together to keep your body balanced
16. Define auto-regulation: ability of an organ or tissue to maintain a constant blood flow in spite of changing arterial blood pressure.
34. Describe the structure and function of a ureter. carries urine from kidney to bladder
36. Discuss what happens if a ureter becomes obstructed. kidney infection
37. Describe the structure and location of the urinary bladder. stores urine until ready to be excreted
40. Compare the urethra of a female with that of a male.

The Urinary System Worksheet

What are three functions of the kidneys? Filter all matter from the blood not just waste products. Selectively reabsorbed all substances that the body can make use of. Eliminates waste products in blood in the form of urine.
What is the protective layer around the kidney? peri- renal capsule
What is the outer layer of the kidney? cortex
What is the urine collection system of the kidney? medulla
What is the dilated end of the ureters called? pelvis
What is the function of the bladder? to store the urine
What transports urine in males? Females? urethra. the female urethra does not transport semen and thr lenght is 1.5- 2 ins.