Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes

root- adip english- fat ex- adipose
root- bio english- life ex- biopsy
root- capit english- head ex- decapitate
root-cephal english- head ex- cephaled
root-corp english- body ex- corpus
root-crani english- skull ex- cranium
root-dent english- tooth ex- dental
root-hist english- tissue ex- histology
root-later english- side ex- lateral
root-ocul english- eye ex- oculist
root-oste english- bone ex- osteoblast
root-phag english- eat ex- phagocyte
root-pleur english- side ex- pleura
root-quad english- four ex- quadriceps
root-stern english- chest ex-sternum
root-ab english- away from ex- abduct
root-ad english- toward ex- adrenal
root-angi english- vessel ex- angiograph
root-auto english- self ex- autograft
root-centiam english- hundred ex- centimeter
root-circum english- around ex- circumfle
root-dextro english- right ex- dextrad
root-epi english- upon ex- epigastic
root-ex english- out of ex-excision
root-inter english- ex-
root-non english- not ex- nonviable
root-otrtho english- straight ex- orthopedic
root-path english- disease ex- pathology
root-pseudo english- false ex- pseudopod
root-sinistro english- left ex- sinistrad
root-ade english-kill ex- abortcide
root-itis english-inflame ex- hepatitis
root- logy english- study of ex- histology
root- meter english- measure ex- pedometer
root- plasty english- formed ex- osteoplasty
root- scope english- examine ex- otoscope

1 comment:

Duval said...

Erin - you only did part of this assignment. The directions for this say to sat what the root, prefix or suffix means. Find a word that contains the root, prefix or suffix. Define that word. Write a sentence with that word showing its meaning. You only did this first part of this. You are welcome to make corrections to raise your grade for this assignment. If you do make corrections please post me another comment so I know to go and adjust your grade.